REDs Round 7 Open!

Round 7 of the state government’s Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants program is now open, and the GSDC is taking applications for the Great Southern.

BOOK ONLINE to speak to a GSDC team member about RED Grants.

Find out more or apply
Great Southern Development Commission

Our Region

The Great Southern is one of nine regions in Western Australia, taking in several hundred kilometres of the State’s pristine southern coastline. Our region’s geography includes ancient mountain ranges, deep forests, productive farmland, and breathtaking coastal scenery.

Our Focus

We focus on the Great Southern people, economy, culture and natural environment. We aim to develop a liveable region with a diverse and innovative economy, and empowered and prosperous Aboriginal communities, while ensuring the region is consistent with the global transition to a low carbon economy.

Our Support

One of our key roles is connecting industry, business and community to beneficial opportunities that will help drive development. A range of grants and funding opportunities offering support in the Great Southern are regularly available.

About us

By working in partnership with local governments, businesses and communities, the Commission aims to coordinate and support endeavours that build an integrated regional economy, foster regional growth, and transform our communities into vibrant places to live, work and grow.

Our Vision
Stirling Range, credit Jake Wilton
Sustainable economic development with lasting prosperity for the Great Southern region and its communities. The Commission is driving this change by strategically and sustainably building on the region’s comparative advantages and knowhow.

Focus Areas

Regional Liveability

Making our region a good place to live is critical for the wellbeing of regional residents, and underpins labour markets and community resilience.

Economic Development, Diversification and Innovation

Diversification must leverage existing strengths in resources, primary industries, and tourism, and seek to develop and support new industries and careers.

Climate Resilience and Low Carbon Transition

A changing climate alongside the global transition to a low carbon economy provide risks and significant opportunity for diversification and job growth in the Great Southern.

Aboriginal Empowerment and Prosperity

Partnerships and engagement with Aboriginal people, strong accountability and culturally responsive working will enable the region to realise a ‘future in which all Aboriginal people, families and communities are empowered to live good lives and choose their own future from a secure foundation’ (Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2021-2029).

Organisational Excellence

Success in regional development is determined by working together to deliver strategic initiatives and build organisational excellence.
Castle Rock, Porongurup National Park Castle Rock, Porongurup National Park

Visit our Knowledge Hub to see reports, corporate documents, and information about the Great Southern region